NNablaNAS examples

NNablaNAS contains several examples including:
  • DARTS search space and search algorithm [LSY18]

  • Proxyless NAS (PNAS) [CZH18] algorithm with mobilenet search space

  • Zoph [ZL16] search space (can be searched with DARTS or PNAS algorithms)

  • Randomly wired neural network [XKGH19]

  • FairNAS [CZX21] rethinking evaluation fairness of weight sharing NAS

  • Once-for-All (OFA) [CGW+19] is only trained once, and we can quickly get specialized sub-networks from the OFA network without additional training.

The examples can be launched from a unique entry point ./main.py and all the configurations for each of the experiment is predefined in a yaml file. The list of command lines to run the prepared examples can be found in ./examples/jobs.sh.

In this tutorial we will see how to run the examples and how you can modify the configurations to run your experiments.

We will show how to run and modify the so-called MobileNet example on CIFAR10. After running the example we advise to try the other examples on your own.


The command line for each example can be found in ./jobs.sh

Quick notice about Hydra

Since we are using Hydra to deal with our configurations, you can check your experimental configuration without having to launch your experiment before hand, by using the following command:

python main.py experiment=my_experiment --cfg job

You can also take a look at Hydra’s more general configuration by typing:

python main.py experiment=my_experiment --cfg hydra

The MobileNet search space

In this example we use MobileNetV2 [SHZ+18] as a backbone to build the search space. In [SHZ+18], the proposed architecture use fixed inverted bottleneck convolution with an expansion factor of 6 and a kernel size of 3x3. Furthermore, the number of inverted bottleneck convolution for each block with the same feature map size is defined. In this example, we want to add flexibility in the MobileNetV2 architecture to choose the depth for each block as well as the expansion factor and the kernel size for each inverted residual convolution.

We use the PNAS search algorithm to find a good architecture in this search space. Specifically, the algorithm can choose, for each layer, between different inverted residual convolution settings or to skip the layer (using identity module). Note that a similar experiment was performed in the original PNAS paper [CZH18]

Using NNablaNAS, we can find better architectures than the reference MobileNetV2 both for CIFAR10 and for ImageNet.

Running your first example


Before starting you should get the NNablaNAS framework and install the dependencies. Please refer to the Installation part of this documentation.

First, we will run the search with the default setting:

python main.py experiment=classification/mobilenet/cifar10_search
We used the following arguments:
  • main.py is the entry script for all search and training examples.

  • experiment=mobilenet/cifar10_search is the experiment config file we want to use here. It contains all the information needed to run the experiment.

The command runs the search using the PNAS algorithm (it is set in the experiment config file), it will take several hours (around 12 hours depending on the GPU) to run. While it is running, let’s have a look at the output path. By default, we set Hydra to output the job result to log/classification/${name}/ with name being the name of the experiment, which can be found in the experiment config file.

In ./log/classification/mobilenet/cifar10/search you will find the following files:
  • arch.h5 it contains the best architecture so far.

  • arch.png to visualize the best architecture so far.

  • main.log contains the general log.

  • log.txt contains the search log.

  • /.YEAR-MONTH-DAY.hour-minutes-seconds contains the configuration files generated for this experiment, ie the job config, hydra config, and the eventual overrides (when an element from the config is modified through the command line).

Here is an example of a MobileNet architecture:


You can also monitor the search using the TensorBoard. To run the TensorBoard, use the following command:

tensorboard --logdir=./log

Access your TensorBoard page using your browser at the given address (typically: <http://localhost:6006/>)


More details on TensorBoard can be found at https://www.tensorflow.org/tensorboard/.

Once the search is finished, retrain the winning architecture from scratch using the same entry point python script:

python main.py experiment=classification/mobilenet/cifar10_train

Note that, this time, we use the Trainer algorithm inside the experiment config file. The retraining will take several hours. You can monitor the training from your TensorBoard.

If you want to compare with the original implementation of MobileNetV2, just run:

python main.py experiment=classification/mobilenet/cifar10_train_latency

Congratulations, you have performed your first neural architecture search using NNablaNAS. Now let’s have a look at how to customize the search and training configuration.

Search Configuration

Without writing any python code, you can flexibly change the search configuration. Let’s go through conf/experiment/mobilenet/cifar10_search.yaml:

    - override /args: args.yaml
    - override /dataloader: cifar10.yaml
    - override /hparams: hparams.yaml
    - override /optimizer: warmup.yaml
    - override /network: mobilenet_cifar10.yaml

The defaults list, when present in another file than the main configuration file config.yaml (as in this case, we are not in config.yaml), indicates the list of file we want to extend from. We can then redefine the values of the elements they contain, or add new elements. These values can also be modified from the command line. This allows us to easily create new experiment files. The args.yaml file contains the following elements:

context: cudnn
device_id: '-1'
type_config: float
search: false
algorithm: DartsSearcher
output_path: '.'
save_nnp: false
no_visualize: true

Which are partially overwritten in our config file by:

    search: true
    algorithm: ProxylessNasSearcher

Hence, the args part of our experiment config file in this case is:

    search: true
    algorithm: ProxylessNasSearcher
    context: cudnn
    device_id: '-1'
    type_config: float
    output_path: '.'
    save_nnp: false
    no_visualize: true

Following the same logic for every file we extend from, our dataloader configuration is as follows:

        train_portion: 0.9

These describe the dataset to be used; here it is CIFAR10. During the search, the training data is split into two parts. One part is used to train the model parameters and the other part is used to update the architecture parameters. train_portion sets the portion of the training sample that is used to train the parameters.

Now let’s have a look at the search space configuration (defined in mobilenet_cifar10.yaml which we extend from):

         num_classes: 10
         settings: [
             [24, 4, 1],
             [32, 4, 1],
             [64, 4, 2],
             [96, 4, 1],
             [160, 4, 2],
             [320, 1, 1]
         mode: sample

mobilenet is the name of the search space to be used. NNablaNAS contains several search spaces including darts, zoph and mobilenet. You can also prepare your own search space. Here we choose mobilenet and the following configurations are the arguments specific to this search space. num_classes is the number of the output of the classification network. settings defines the architecture backbone. Each line is a block of inverted residual convolutions with different feature sizes. The first column defines the number of feature maps for each block. The second column defines the maximum number of inverted residual convolutions for each block. The third column defines the stride used in the first inverted residual convolution of the block (this has the effect of reducing the feature map size).

mode should be set to sample for PNAS algorithm.

In addition, the MobileNet search space has two important arguments call candidates and skip_connect, they define the choices for each inverted residual convolution. The example uses the default setting so they don’t need to be explicitly set. The default setting is:

 "candidates" = [
        "MB3 3x3",
        "MB6 3x3",
        "MB3 5x5",
        "MB6 5x5",
        "MB3 7x7",
        "MB6 7x7"
"skip_connect": true

skip_connect defines if the inverted residual convolutions can be skipped giving the possibility to learn the depth of the network.

candidates defines the possible inverted residual convolution settings. The number after MB corresponds to the expansion factor and the kxk corresponds to the kernel size.

Next, it is possible to set the optimizer arguments for the parameter training (defined in warmup.yaml which we extend from as our optimizer then modify):

        grad_clip: 5.0,
        weight_decay: 4e-5
        lr_scheduler: CosineScheduler
        name: Momentum,
        lr: 0.1
        grad_clip: 5.0
        name: Adam
        alpha: 0.001
        beta1: 0.5
        beta2: 0.999
        grad_clip: 5.0
        weight_decay: 4e-5
        lr_scheduler: CosineScheduler
        name: Momentum
        lr: 0.1

Here we set three optimizers for warmup, training, validation. In PNAS The train and valid optimizers will train the models parameters and the architecture parameters respectively. Before starting updating the architecture, it is beneficial to warm up the model parameters.

If grad_clip is specified, the gradients are clipped at the specified value.

If weight_decay is specified, weight decay will be used.

Finally, we set the general hyper-parameters for the search (again defined in hparams.yaml which we extend from then redefined):

    epoch: 200
    input_shapes: [
        [3, 32, 32]
    target_shapes: [
    batch_size_train: 128
    batch_size_valid: 256
    mini_batch_train: 128
    mini_batch_valid: 256
    warmup: 100
    print_frequency: 25

epoch, input_shape and target_shapes are self-explanatory.

batch_size_train is the batch size used for training and mini_batch_train specifies the number of examples transfer into the GPU at one time. The gradients of the mini_batch_train are accumulated before updating the model. Keep mini_batch_train to the same value of batch_size_train if you have enough GPU memory but it is useful to set a lower mini_batch_train so that the mini-batch can fit in GPU memory while still doing the update on a larger batch. batch_size_valid and mini_batch_valid set the corresponding batch size and mini-batch size for the validation.

The number of warmup epoch is defined with the warmup argument.

print_frequency sets how often the partial results are printed in the log file.

Train Configuration

Let’s have a look at the MobileNet example conf/experiment/mobilenet/cifar10_train.yaml. Most of the configuration parameters are the same as for the search yaml file. The only new configuration parameter is:

genotype: log/classification/mobilenet/cifar10/search/arch.h5

genotype is used to provide the path to the previously learn architecture (.h5 file).


Han Cai, Chuang Gan, Tianzhe Wang, Zhekai Zhang, and Song Han. Once-for-all: train one network and specialize it for efficient deployment. arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.09791, 2019.

[CZH18] (1,2)

Han Cai, Ligeng Zhu, and Song Han. Proxylessnas: direct neural architecture search on target task and hardware. arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.00332, 2018.


Xiangxiang Chu, Bo Zhang, and Ruijun Xu. Fairnas: rethinking evaluation fairness of weight sharing neural architecture search. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 12239–12248. October 2021.


Andrew Howard, Mark Sandler, Grace Chu, Liang-Chieh Chen, Bo Chen, Mingxing Tan, Weijun Wang, Yukun Zhu, Ruoming Pang, Vijay Vasudevan, and others. Searching for mobilenetv3. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 1314–1324. 2019.


Hanxiao Liu, Karen Simonyan, and Yiming Yang. Darts: differentiable architecture search. arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.09055, 2018.


Manas Sahni, Shreya Varshini, Alind Khare, and Alexey Tumanov. Comp\OFA\ – compound once-for-all networks for faster multi-platform deployment. In International Conference on Learning Representations. 2021.

[SHZ+18] (1,2)

Mark Sandler, Andrew Howard, Menglong Zhu, Andrey Zhmoginov, and Liang-Chieh Chen. Mobilenetv2: inverted residuals and linear bottlenecks. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 4510–4520. 2018.


Saining Xie, Alexander Kirillov, Ross Girshick, and Kaiming He. Exploring randomly wired neural networks for image recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 1284–1293. 2019.


Barret Zoph and Quoc V Le. Neural architecture search with reinforcement learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.01578, 2016.